Been a while I know but am promising myself to be more active here since it’s just the beginning of the year Happy new year to you wishing everyone a great 2019 filled with health, love , happiness and success!

As known , every new year we decide on writing down resolutions with the hope to start a new satisfying lifestyle that we aim to attain every year.

Personally , am truly promising myself with the will of god to make 2019 my epic year! How can that be done without managing our time and days – so thought of using The Eleven Planner which I previously used , it helped me a lot to make my 2018 more fulfilling! btw I love journal online apps but I prefer the actual paper touch – the smell of new Real paper ignites a certain feeling inside me, it’s actually proven its better to keep a written journal. Since we cannot write as fast as we type, it forces our brains to slow down and be more intentional of our real thoughts Also, numerous studies have proven that the connection of physically writing something (the tactile and kinesthetic moves of it trigger the release of different neurotransmitter in the brain. To me Old ways are always healthier.

Being online daily makes me crave to be offline , when planning and managing my life at least.

So here are some snapshots of the updated Planner , 2019 version :

As mentioned it’s such a “magic tool” works like a life couch on the go , directs you when lost , inspires you when in quest basically it gives your days a purpose and balances your life obligations.

Simply can’t live without it!

If interested to know more follow their IG account @theelevenplanner

About Me, Inspiration




Hello . . .

Hope my post finds you  all well , has anyone tried those new running shoes innovation named (Enko) , came across them while searching on the internet for the best running shoes out there that provides both comfort and power.

Anyways ,if yes please feel free to share your experience , since am thinking of buying one

Thank you!


Best Regards,


About Me, Health and Fitness, Quote-of the-day, Random, Sports



Loved the giveaway reminder and kind gesture ” Change starts within YOU” !!

Hope I got the chance to encourage or inspire you to attend or do a workshop that will help you evolve to the better! Personal developments sessions are the best treat to reward oneself with practice and time you get to see its effect towards your mental , spiritual and physical level.

Have a nice day! 🙂





Inspiration, Workshop Sessions


1                                                                                                2

Today I will be sharing my feedback on those 2 primers , again my feedback is a personal one which means that what I have experienced may not reflect yours … but from time to time I enjoy sharing my experience to help people who are always in search of the best products out there …

Here you go :

  • Primer 1  is Smashbox (PHOTO FINISH) PURPLE :

I loved this product put it on after the moisturiser, give it a 10 min to dry up then put whatever you want baby cream or a foundation  or wear it alone , it basically does what it claims:

  1. Reduces the appearance of pores instantly
  2. Non drying formula
  3. Absorbs oil  and keeps makeup on up to 8 hours
  4. Gives a flawless feel and look

My Rating : 9/10


Primer 2 is Benefit (The POREfessional ) Green :

This product was okay , it doesn’t do the job fully , although it gives you a  beautiful feel on your skin , but the  appearance of pores somehow shows , here what I noticed about this product :

  1. Lightweight
  2. Velvet feeling on the skin
  3. Translucent
  4. Amazing scent

My Rating : 7/10



*Friendly Reminder : This review reflects my personal experience and the products reaction with my skin tone (Fair , combination skin)and texture. It may reflect you and it may not, just a friendly share! Hope I helped anyone out there searching for the perfect primer 😉

Yours sincerely,

#Norasshare #notesbynora




Today I will be sharing a salad dish recipe that I came across , and turned out to be very fulfilling and tasty at the same time . It seems to be very rare that you get to like a healthy dish ! I’m a very huge fan of Kale and Pesto .


  • 100g whole wheat pasta
  • 100g kale leaves
  • 1 tbsp pesto
  • 4-5 cherry tomatoes
  • 1/2 handful black olives
  • 20g fetta
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1 tbsp white wine vinegar
  • 1/2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tbsp olive oil



  • Fill 500 ml of boiled water into a large pan with a good pinch of salt , add the pasta and cook
  • Place a frying pan on a medium heat , add 1 tbsp olive il , slice the kale into 2cm strips and fry with seasoning , turning regularly until wilted and soft
  • Half the tomato ‘s and olives  into a bowl and crumble in the feta
  • Mix the pesto , lemon juice and vinegar in a bowl
  • Drain the pasta and return to the pan add the dressing and kale to the pasta and serve in pasta bowl
  • Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil to taste




Hope you enjoy this as much as I did! 🙂

bon appétit


About Me, Food, Health and Fitness, Recipes