“Be the change you wish to see in the world ” -Mahatma Gandhi

How many do dare to start in their own self , and be the change they seek ? In other words be an example to the upcoming generation, leave your mark …

Since the Somalia campaign was released  via Social Media I noticed a lot about my peers and community that I was probably not aware of …it’s the genuine act of helping people in need , the trait that most Kuwaitis and Muslims were raised to be , it’s not that it’s awkward or something it’s just the numbers which such good deeds were a lot making me believe that good genuine people do exist proving this was seen in the past 24 hours of the large artesian well Campaign in Somalia. From such an act I can Proudly say that I am blessed to be a Kuwaiti.

Inspiration, Philanthropy, Quote-of the-day, Random



Loved the giveaway reminder and kind gesture ” Change starts within YOU” !!

Hope I got the chance to encourage or inspire you to attend or do a workshop that will help you evolve to the better! Personal developments sessions are the best treat to reward oneself with practice and time you get to see its effect towards your mental , spiritual and physical level.

Have a nice day! 🙂





Inspiration, Workshop Sessions