
Seems like alot is happening in March , but the most exciting part as I have a thing to books and reading is when I got an invite to the Story and StoryTellers Conference …

So if you have this mutual interest , don’t miss out on the lectures and workshops that are taking place from 18 March to 24 March , worth the time and experience!

As I was listening to the opening speech by Buthayna AlEssa , her words draw my attention to a personal belief which was

If we understood the story well, we would be able to understand the human being

I always believed by reading and meeting people of all walks of life we tend to identify people traits more wisely, and instantly! As said practice makes perfect!

Also she mentioned, Jonathan Gottschall quote:

We as species are addicted to meaning . We can’t bear randomness , absence of system or coincidence, so here we are as we have always been taking existence by putting it in a form of a story that gives it order and meaning

Those words made me more stubborn with my inner thoughts that nothing happens to us randomly, but it’s only time that can reveal , for now ,we just need to be aware of things happening around and have the patience to wait and see, the meaning behind this all.

Here are some shots:

For more details visit


Best Wishes,


About Me, Inspiration, WORKSHOPS / SESSIONS



Loved the giveaway reminder and kind gesture ” Change starts within YOU” !!

Hope I got the chance to encourage or inspire you to attend or do a workshop that will help you evolve to the better! Personal developments sessions are the best treat to reward oneself with practice and time you get to see its effect towards your mental , spiritual and physical level.

Have a nice day! 🙂





Inspiration, Workshop Sessions