Been a while I know but am promising myself to be more active here since it’s just the beginning of the year Happy new year to you wishing everyone a great 2019 filled with health, love , happiness and success!

As known , every new year we decide on writing down resolutions with the hope to start a new satisfying lifestyle that we aim to attain every year.

Personally , am truly promising myself with the will of god to make 2019 my epic year! How can that be done without managing our time and days – so thought of using The Eleven Planner which I previously used , it helped me a lot to make my 2018 more fulfilling! btw I love journal online apps but I prefer the actual paper touch – the smell of new Real paper ignites a certain feeling inside me, it’s actually proven its better to keep a written journal. Since we cannot write as fast as we type, it forces our brains to slow down and be more intentional of our real thoughts Also, numerous studies have proven that the connection of physically writing something (the tactile and kinesthetic moves of it trigger the release of different neurotransmitter in the brain. To me Old ways are always healthier.

Being online daily makes me crave to be offline , when planning and managing my life at least.

So here are some snapshots of the updated Planner , 2019 version :

As mentioned it’s such a “magic tool” works like a life couch on the go , directs you when lost , inspires you when in quest basically it gives your days a purpose and balances your life obligations.

Simply can’t live without it!

If interested to know more follow their IG account @theelevenplanner

About Me, Inspiration

Hello September, I know it’s almost coming to an end .. but let’s hear it for the girls .

Kindly check  below video :

Hello Holly Nichols

For one month only , Harvey Nichols becomes Holly Nichols , celebrating four new flours of fashion for women and a whole host of starry names in all the store

as its known September is packed with fashion shows , new launches and brand parties as well as inspirational talks about women we admire – heroes who have influenced our culture and challenged out attitudes- loved this quote tho

“Rebels with a cause , we salute you”

With this creative window display and campaign its simply proving its total support in celebration of women empowerment..

Ps: Loved the quotes on the floor – totally  empowering!




Best Wishes,

Nora B.

About Me, Fashion, Inspiration


Seems like alot is happening in March , but the most exciting part as I have a thing to books and reading is when I got an invite to the Story and StoryTellers Conference …

So if you have this mutual interest , don’t miss out on the lectures and workshops that are taking place from 18 March to 24 March , worth the time and experience!

As I was listening to the opening speech by Buthayna AlEssa , her words draw my attention to a personal belief which was

If we understood the story well, we would be able to understand the human being

I always believed by reading and meeting people of all walks of life we tend to identify people traits more wisely, and instantly! As said practice makes perfect!

Also she mentioned, Jonathan Gottschall quote:

We as species are addicted to meaning . We can’t bear randomness , absence of system or coincidence, so here we are as we have always been taking existence by putting it in a form of a story that gives it order and meaning

Those words made me more stubborn with my inner thoughts that nothing happens to us randomly, but it’s only time that can reveal , for now ,we just need to be aware of things happening around and have the patience to wait and see, the meaning behind this all.

Here are some shots:

For more details visit

Best Wishes,


About Me, Inspiration, WORKSHOPS / SESSIONS


Happy New Year lovelies,

Here came the New Years So are you ready for it I mean what’s the point of a new year if we don’t evolve in terms of aims , dreams , chances  at the end it’s simply just a number changing right? but what really matters is us what we seek to be and look forward to are we brave enough to reset our life and begin as if we were just born and consider all we went through are just lessons learnt. I personally trust and enjoy the thrill of beginnings it taught be skills , lessons that I didn’t know anything about! and made me the person I am today and to be true  I now get what all the passed days were all about , sometimes patience is all we need .

So guess what was the first thing I was thinking of as the new year’s is few months away this year is to manage time more efficiently by getting myself a 2018 planner that meets my needs , as I was shopping for one I didn’t find what was I after …

so thought of doing one …

and why not? So before going ahead with designing it I thought of the name which came up to be 11:11 since my eyes always falls for this number which in numerology means make a wish! and I did .. decided to make a positive impact in our beautiful world

Here are some shots of the The 11:11 Planner:






To know more :


Best Regards ,




“Be the change you wish to see in the world ” -Mahatma Gandhi

How many do dare to start in their own self , and be the change they seek ? In other words be an example to the upcoming generation, leave your mark …

Since the Somalia campaign was released  via Social Media I noticed a lot about my peers and community that I was probably not aware of …it’s the genuine act of helping people in need , the trait that most Kuwaitis and Muslims were raised to be , it’s not that it’s awkward or something it’s just the numbers which such good deeds were a lot making me believe that good genuine people do exist proving this was seen in the past 24 hours of the large artesian well Campaign in Somalia. From such an act I can Proudly say that I am blessed to be a Kuwaiti.

Inspiration, Philanthropy, Quote-of the-day, Random