Hello September, I know it’s almost coming to an end .. but let’s hear it for the girls .

Kindly check  below video :

Hello Holly Nichols

For one month only , Harvey Nichols becomes Holly Nichols , celebrating four new flours of fashion for women and a whole host of starry names in all the store

as its known September is packed with fashion shows , new launches and brand parties as well as inspirational talks about women we admire – heroes who have influenced our culture and challenged out attitudes- loved this quote tho

“Rebels with a cause , we salute you”

With this creative window display and campaign its simply proving its total support in celebration of women empowerment..

Ps: Loved the quotes on the floor – totally  empowering!




Best Wishes,

Nora B.

About Me, Fashion, Inspiration


Today ‘s post is dedicated to those who love makeup and are interested in the latest trends in the beauty world, I got an invitation regarding a master class hosted by Giorgio Armani Regional Makeup Artist Raja Daniel … since am a great fan of Giorgio Armani cosmetics I thought not to miss it!

The makeup Artist shared great tips on how to apply makeup for both daily and special occasions , he was very much focused on how to use makeup to highlight your beauty rather than transform or hide your features.

I personally , see makeup as a tool to highlight your beauty features believing that every woman owns her unique kind of beauty , its just that some arn’t yet aware  , and don’t know how to present it.

The special thing about GA Cosmetic products , I find that all their products are set to high quality and claim what it states!

The products that I use so far are the under eye master corrector #2 , a bit orangy , I use it instead of a concealer as I see it more natural  , and the sheer bronzer (sun fabric)  #400 , gives a sun kissed  look ,and finally their glowy sheer foundation which I only use in special occasions but does what it claims .

As much as I love makeup , but I care more about my skincare , so I try not to put much, drink water as  much to keep hydrated …and why not ? Believing in that “less is more”

Here are some snapshots from the event that happened to be at the Four Seasons Hotel,Kuwait :


Best Wishes,



About Me, Beauty, Fashion, Workshop Sessions


“Be the change you wish to see in the world ” -Mahatma Gandhi

How many do dare to start in their own self , and be the change they seek ? In other words be an example to the upcoming generation, leave your mark …

Since the Somalia campaign was released  via Social Media I noticed a lot about my peers and community that I was probably not aware of …it’s the genuine act of helping people in need , the trait that most Kuwaitis and Muslims were raised to be , it’s not that it’s awkward or something it’s just the numbers which such good deeds were a lot making me believe that good genuine people do exist proving this was seen in the past 24 hours of the large artesian well Campaign in Somalia. From such an act I can Proudly say that I am blessed to be a Kuwaiti.

Inspiration, Philanthropy, Quote-of the-day, Random




Hello . . .

Hope my post finds you  all well , has anyone tried those new running shoes innovation named (Enko) , came across them while searching on the internet for the best running shoes out there that provides both comfort and power.

Anyways ,if yes please feel free to share your experience , since am thinking of buying one

Thank you!


Best Regards,


About Me, Health and Fitness, Quote-of the-day, Random, Sports




Yes …It’s September  and it’s time for show time… which means Fashion Week in London,  I love taking sudden snaps on the go  … I  like pictures when people in them are on the go! as you know the move to Brewer Street sees London Fashion Week increase its footprint across the capital  which has previously been located at Somerset House, the Natural History Museum and Battersea Park.

I loved the venue.I love the spirit around. Creative , passionate and fun! isn’t this what fashion is  all about. Let the fun begin to know more follow me @maysixdelights on instagram will try my best to cover this event.



Nora B.





Beauty, Fashion, Inspiration, Random, Trips